Start a career in Data Science in 7 months

Help companies monitor activities and anticipate future needs by making recommendations and predictions based on analyzed data with the help of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. 

Become a master in data.

In data we trust.

The AI Bootcamp is a 100% free training to bridge the gap between motivated, solution-oriented individuals and companies in need of capable, reliable, driven team players eager to grow in AI & Machine Learning.

During the training session, candidates will discover all the hidden paths inside Artificial Intelligence and gain fundamental technical knowledge in development, algorithms, principles of machine learning and deep learning. Once these bases are acquired, our goal is to provide the means for people to find their career path.

Data Analyst

Data analysts are focused on Business development : they sift through data and seek to identify trends. What stories do the numbers tell? What business decisions can be made based on these insights? They may also create visual representations, such as charts and graphs to better showcase what the data reveals.

Data Engineer

Data Engineers take care of problems of scalability and performance of data pipelines in productions. They are well versed in cloud tools.

Data Scientist

Data Scientists clean, massage and organize data. They perform descriptive statistics and analysis to develop insights, build models and solve a business need. The models are then used to automate processes like image classification, speech recognition and market forecasting.

Tech Skills You will learn to acquire, analyze and understand data. You will learn to prepare and clean them in order to make predictions. You will be introduced to Machine Learning / Deep Learning / Natural language processing (understanding of the natural human language), to Computer Vision (object recognition / tracking). You will learn to deploy to the cloud. Soft skills A professional Data scientist needs a deep understanding of a client’s needs and activities and must learn to communicate technical concepts to a customer who isn’t a specialist in the field. Therefore, you will learn to speak in public, to collaborate smoothly, to be agile and to manage a project from A to Z. Moreover, all BeCode graduates grow these soft skills:
  • Autonomous self-learner
  • Team player
  • Reliable
  • Solution Mindset


You can. End of story.