We make tech jobs accessible to all. No matter if you have experience or not, we support, advise, train you to become the tech talent of tomorrow and we help companies to reskill / upskill their team and hire our talents.
So, trust the magic of new beginnings & deep dive into a world full of opportunities!
100% free training
for job-seekers
Focusing on diversity
& inclusion in tech
Offering customized work-based learning pathways
4 campuses
throughout Belgium
We are passionate about helping people like you to blossom.
Get trained.
At BeCode, we offer a new way of learning to any motivated individual. Whether you’re a job seeker, in a upskilling/reskilling process or from an underprivileged backgrounds, we provide talents of all ages with the technical skills, knowledge and training necessary to succeed in their future tech careers. If you are passionate, curious and enthusiastic about a career in tech, you should definitely have a look!
Hire talent .
Are you looking for top tech talent to shape a brighter future for your organisations? At BeCode, we have passionate and qualified pool of talents to power businesses. Depending on your talent needs, you can become a BeCode promoter and get access to talent at an early stage of the bootcamp, get access to tech staff mentoring and even get free internship before hiring as well as other benefits !
Are you looking for upskilling/reskilling your teams? Together we create tailor-made trainings based on your needs and expectations.
First and foremost, BeCode is a social impact driven organization which aim of bridging the digital divide in Belgium. Interested in contributing to our social mission? Every euro that you donate, will be used to help even more motivated professionals pursue a future-proof tech career.
Never underestimate the power of a mindset.
At BeCode we have a somewhat different approach of learning. We are using new methods of active pedagogy to engage learners in projects and be relevant to the job market.
We’re convinced that when things change from the inside, they also change around you. Diversity & inclusivity have been part of our DNA from day one & we’re staying focused on building an inclusive tech culture.
We’re creating our own community where each of us thrive being our true authentic selves. This creates an open, inspiring and collaborative company where our people feel inspired.
We’re creating tech education center in Brussels, Gent, Charleroi & Liege. Places where talents can have the best learning experience, focus on being productive, be inspired, network with peers and meet recruiters.
Time is precious, use it wisely.<span data-metadata="">
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BeCode is a strong community of talents & companies, willing to blossom in the tech world. Want to be part of it and stay up-to-date with our latest activities, trainings & events?